1325 Dry Creek Drive #307 Longmont, Colorado 80503

Chiropractor and Massage Studio - Cafe of Life Longmont

Chiropractic Care for Whiplash in Longmont

Published by Dr. Jessica
on August 8, 2016

Whiplash Chiropractic Care LongmontIf you were recently involved in a car accident, chances are you sustained whiplash since this injury can happen from a collision at just 5 mph. But did you know that this neck injury can also be caused from carnival rides or impact sports? If you are suffering from neck pain caused by whiplash, seek treatment with the expert chiropractic care at the Cafe of Life in Longmont as soon as possible to avoid long-term effects.

Whiplash, or cervical acceleration-deceleration injury, happens when force pushes your trunk forward at the same time as your chin thrusts down, causing your neck to twist into an unnatural S-shape. Damage occurs when the neck muscles, ligaments and tendons are strained against opposing forces, resulting in misalignment of the vertebrae and irritation to the connecting nerves.

Whiplash symptoms can appear immediately after injury, or several days, weeks or even months later.

Symptoms of Whiplash that Can Be Treated with Chiropractic Care

  • Impairment of neck mobility
  • Neck pain or swelling
  • Muscle spasms
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Tingling in the arms or hands

If you are suffering from any of the above symptoms, or have recently experienced an extreme force to your neck, seek proper diagnosis and treatment right away to prevent permanent damage. Even if you don’t think you were injured in an auto accident, don’t delay a professional evaluation- immediate treatment of neck impairment or pain is best for your long-term health. Dr. Jess at the Cafe of Life in Longmont can treat whiplash with her expert chiropractic care, and restore your neck function and overall health quickly without drugs or surgery!

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