1325 Dry Creek Drive #307 Longmont, Colorado 80503

Chiropractor and Massage Studio - Cafe of Life Longmont

How Chiropractic Can Help Keep You Healthy

Do you struggle with staying well during the cold and flu months? Are you constantly feeling run down and tired and can’t shake your illness? Did you know that regular Chiropractic care can help? Here at the Café of Life Chiropractic and Massage Studio in Longmont, we...
Do I need Chiropractic or Massage?

Do I need Chiropractic or Massage?

As a Massage therapist at The Cafe’ of Life Chiropractic and Massage Studio,  I get a lot of questions.  One of the most common ones is  “Do you think I need chiropractic or massage?” This is a question I get often when it comes to back pain, neck pain,...