1325 Dry Creek Drive #307 Longmont, Colorado 80503

Chiropractor and Massage Studio - Cafe of Life Longmont

Get Chiropractic Care to Recover Faster from a Winter Injury

Published by Dr. Jessica
on January 11, 2017

Winter Injury Chiropractic Care LongmontThe Colorado ski season is in full swing, and even if your cold-weather sport of choice is something else- chances are you are using muscles in a way they haven’t been conditioned for since last winter. Whether sledding, ice skating or just shoveling snow; these outdoor activities can lead to potential health problems. If you’ve been injured during a winter activity, the chiropractic care and massage therapy offered at the Cafe of Life in Longmont can relieve your pain and hasten your recovery.

3 Common Winter Activity Injuries Helped with Chiropractic Care

  1. Whiplash– Whether due to being involved in a car accident or falling hard on the ski slopes, whiplash can occur whenever the neck is thrust abruptly forward and back. Adjustments and massage can help decrease swelling and realign cervical vertebrae.
  2. Knee Injury– Skiing is one of the sports that puts the most stress on knee joints. If the surrounding tendons and muscles are not in top condition, injury is common. The short-term goal of treatment is to reduce pain and inflammation, while the long-term goal is to build up strength.
  3. Rotator Cuff Tear– Shoveling snow can strain, or even tear, the muscles and tendons in your back and shoulders if you lift or throw a heavy load the wrong way. If recovering from a tear, chiropractic care can help restore your range of motion faster.

While prevention isn’t always possible, warming up properly before engaging in a cold-weather activity does decrease your risk of getting hurt. Slow squats, lunges and hugging your knees into your chest are three particularly effective stretches. If you are suffering from an injury received during a winter activity, don’t delay seeking treatment at the Cafe of Life in Longmont to restore your optimal health. Dr. Jess and her professional staff will get you back out into our winter wonderland in no time!

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