1325 Dry Creek Drive #307 Longmont, Colorado 80503

Chiropractor and Massage Studio - Cafe of Life Longmont

Detox Massage in Longmont

Published by Dr. Jessica
on January 26, 2017

Detox massage LongmontDid you start the new year with a juice cleanse to reboot your diet after the holidays? Another very effective way to revitalize your health is with a detox massage at the Cafe of Life in Longmont.

Our bodies are exposed to many sources of pollutants everyday in our environment, our food, our cleaning products and more. The accumulation of these harmful chemicals, particles and microorganisms are flushed out through our lymphatic system- but it is often overloaded! This detoxifying system starts with plasma from capillaries collecting toxins throughout the body. The lymph vessels absorb this plasma and bring it to the lymph nodes to be purified. Since detox massage assists this process, it is also called lymph drainage massage.

Benefits of Detox Massage

  • Removes toxins from tissues through lymph nodes
  • Reduces swelling all over the body, especially swollen joints and puffy eyes
  • Improves chronic conditions like acne, arthritis and sinusitis
  • Promotes healing of sprains, torn ligaments and scar tissue
  • Strengthens immune system through stimulating white blood cell reproduction
  • Reduces stress through deep relaxation

Detox massage is performed slowly- at the same rate as the peripheral lymph vessels contract (between six to 10 contractions a minute). The massage therapist also uses a light touch because many lymph capillaries are located right below the skin and can be manipulated easily. The massage starts with the nodes themselves in the neck and armpits, then will work outwards to send lymph fluid back towards the nodes.

Detox massage is a wonderful way to reset your health by removing toxins, reducing stress and boosting your immune system- make an appointment today at the Cafe of Life in Longmont!

Source: http://www.livestrong.com/article/158087-detox-massage/

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