1325 Dry Creek Drive #307 Longmont, Colorado 80503

Chiropractor and Massage Studio - Cafe of Life Longmont

How Can a Longmont Chiropractor Help You Lose Weight?

Published by Dr. Jessica
on February 24, 2017

lose weight chiropractor LongmontAccording to a 2013 study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 13% of workers gained weight after injuring their backs and going on leave for 180 days. It makes sense that dealing with chronic pain leads to decreased activity but did you know that some pain medications can also lead to weight gain as a side effect? An experienced and knowledgeable chiropractor like Dr. Jess at the Cafe of Life in Longmont can help you lose weight by alleviating pain naturally!

Ways a Visit to the Chiropractor Can Help You Lose Weight

  • Make moving more comfortable: If it hurts to move, then it isn’t very likely that you’ll want to incorporate more movement into your daily routine much less exercise at a higher intensity. By providing relief from pain, a chiropractor can help you increase your activity level and burn extra calories throughout your daily routine.
  • Open more exercise possibilities: When a part of your body is hurting, you will naturally protect it and compensate by not exercising as long or intensely as you would if you were pain-free. Getting adjusted to alleviate pain will allow you to engage in longer and higher impact workouts.
  • Reduce chances of overeating: Since your spine is the central communication highway between your stomach and brain, removing any subluxations will improve your body’s ability to regulate eating. If your spine is in optimal alignment, your chances of receiving accurate hunger and fullness cues are greatly improved.

In addition to adjustments, Dr. Jess at the Cafe of Life can help you lose weight with nutritional guidance and holistic support. We are also proud to partner with Farmstrong Coaching for our Cafe of Life Fitness groups- read more about how this personalized program of daily accountability and motivation can help you lose weight with your Longmont chiropractor!

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