1325 Dry Creek Drive #307 Longmont, Colorado 80503

Chiropractor and Massage Studio - Cafe of Life Longmont

Back to School in Longmont, A Chiropractor’s Advice on Ergonomics

Published by Dr. Jessica
on August 17, 2015

As the kids get back to school in Longmont, a chiropractor’s advice on how to keep those kids healthy is in order.  Here is a quick and easy list for the parents to remember when it comes to ergonomics.

Child Chiropractic Ergonomics

According to the CDC, “Ergonomics is the scientific study of people at work. The goal of ergonomics is to reduce stress and eliminate injuries and disorders associated with the overuse of muscles, bad posture, and repeated tasks.” Ergonomics is a term you hear frequently in the workplace but it is just as relevant for kids as they slump over desks, stare into computer screens, and carry bags full of books (and who knows what else!).

Here are a few simple tips to keep kids in their best shape for the school year.

  • Adequate sleep and nutrition. Sleepy or poorly nourished kids simply don’t have the energy to do much—let alone maintain good posture.  Sleep deprivation and poor nutrition leads to slouching and poor posture.
  • Check at-home study spaces to ensure your child isn’t hunched, overly stretched or leaning to reach keyboard or mouse, and the monitor is at eye level and an acceptable distance away.  Check the chair they’re using—does it aid in good posture, feet flat on the floor, arms relaxed and level with the table?
  • Encourage regular breaks. Your child’s eyes need a break from the screen and their body needs to stretch and move.  This is a great time to offer healthy snacks and a big glass of water to keep them hydrated.
  • Good shoes. Yes, you read that correctly.  Shoes that don’t provide enough support can throw your entire body out of alignment and can lead to hip and back problems.  There are many items in our closet we can skimp on.  Shoes are not one of them!  Quality shoes are integral to chiropractic health.
  • Watch that backpack! Overloaded, or poorly loaded, backpacks can lead to a host of back and neck problems for your kids.  Their spines are still developing. Heavy backpacks can lead to chronic neck and back pain.  The strain of carrying those heavy loads forces the head forward interfering with the normal curve of the neck and that is directly linked to neck pain, headaches, and even osteoarthritis. Keep the weight of a backpack to the bare minimum.  Have your child load the pack carefully, eliminating unnecessary weight and make sure they wear both straps to distribute the weight evenly.

Although we can’t exactly follow our children to school, we can teach good habits at home. Use gentle reminders about posture, create ergonomically sound study spaces at home, monitor the weight in the backpacks going out the door, and most importantly, take them in for regular chiropractic visits.

Dr. Jessica Thompson specializes in spinal correction and care for the entire family.  While you are out buying school supplies and hitting the mall for back to school clothes, take a moment to schedule your back-to-school chiropractic appointments for your kids.

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