1325 Dry Creek Drive #307 Longmont, Colorado 80503

Chiropractor and Massage Studio - Cafe of Life Longmont

Chiropractic Treatment for Dizziness or Vertigo

Published by Dr. Jessica
on January 4, 2016

dizziness vertigo chiropractor longmontDizziness, or vertigo, is a very common complaint. It can occur in patients of all ages, even children, but it does become more common as we age. You may not think of your chiropractor as an option in treating dizziness but chiropractic care is incredibly effective at treating most cases of vertigo.

Many times, we are not even sure what to call some of the symptoms we are experiencing. Dizziness is described using many different terms: off balance, spinning, floating or swimming, woozy, tilting, whirling, or even lightheaded.  Severe vertigo can also bring on nausea or even cause you to vomit. However you experience vertigo it can be, at the least frustrating and inconvenient, and at the most entirely debilitating.

There are a variety of causes for dizziness.  Luckily, it is usually a very treatable condition. Common causes of dizziness/vertigo include:

  • Prescription or nonprescription medication
  • Inner ear conditions or infections, or degeneration of the inner ear system due to aging
  • Recent head or neck trauma, whiplash
  • Severe cold or viral infection
  • Dehydration
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Neurological disorders

Occasional dizziness happens.  But if you experience any of the above symptoms, or prolonged or recurring bouts of vertigo, call a chiropractor today for an evaluation.

Why use chiropractors for dizziness/vertigo?

The majority vertigo cases are common and respond very well to chiropractic treatment.  A qualified chiropractic practitioner will evaluate several factors when determining the cause of your vertigo.  Establishing a brief history, including any recent injury or trauma as well as lifestyle, and a physical exam will be performed.  Dizziness is so individualized that having a skilled chiropractor like Dr. Thompson assessing your condition is comforting. Once a complete evaluation has taken place, treatment takes several forms.  Certain repositioning maneuvers are typically performed.  Chiropractic treatment for dizziness is a fairly simple process but it does require precise moves and plenty of training and experience.  Dr. Jessica Thompson at Café of Life Chiropractic in Longmont is well versed in treating vertigo in patients off all ages.

But of course we don’t stop at just spinal, head, and neck manipulation.  Chiropractors are whole-healing practitioners.  A good chiropractor will discuss diet, daily habits, medications, etc to determine a path to overall better health along with the cessation of the diziness.  A good chiropractor will likely suggest relaxation and/or meditation, breathing techniques, and send you home with rehabilitation exercises to aid in your recovery.  We’re not there to temporarily cover your symptom.  We aim for correction of any underlying conditions that bring about the symptom—in this case, dizziness.

An accurate diagnosis and combined chiropractic and lifestyle treatment are critical. Not all vertigo symptoms are suited for chiropractic care (and only a caring, and experienced chiropractor will know the difference) so let Dr. Thompson review your situation—call Café of Life Chiropractic if you’re experiencing dizziness of any length or severity today.

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