1325 Dry Creek Drive #307 Longmont, Colorado 80503

Chiropractor and Massage Studio - Cafe of Life Longmont

Don’t Sit this Summer Out Due to Foot Pain

Published by Dr. Jessica
on May 25, 2017

foot pain chiropractor LongmontDid you know that ¼ of all our bones are located in our feet?!! They also have 33 joints and over 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments- that complex anatomy combined with carrying all of our weight make them susceptible to injury. If you are experiencing problems with your feet, chiropractic adjustments, ultrasound therapy and acupuncture at the Cafe of Life in Longmont can all help relieve foot pain.

According to WebMD, “Footwear plays a large role in the development of foot and toe problems such as bunions, calluses, corns, hammer claw and mallet toes.”

Shoe Tips to Alleviate Foot Pain

  • Everyone’s feet swell slightly towards the end of the day, so this is the ideal time to try on shoes. If you use inserts, be sure to bring them along to test as well.
  • Pay more attention to fit rather than size when shopping for shoes- be sure to stand and walk around to get a more realistic sense of how they’ll work in your daily life.
  • Low heels put less pressure on the ball of the foot and toe joints but if you must wear high-heels, choose a shoe that is 2” high or less.
  • A wide enough toe box is also important- you should be able to wiggle your toes and have a ½ inch of extra space to the tip.
  • The sole should be flexible so that your toes can bend naturally, yet the heel counter needs to be more rigid so your toes don’t need to grip to prevent your foot from coming out.
  • Finally, avoid materials that are not well-ventilated and make your feet sweat.

Unless you have limited sensation in your feet, due to diabetes or another condition, going barefoot as much as possible is also recommended. Adjustments, along with other non-invasive treatments, provided by the highly-skilled staff at the Cafe of Life in Longmont can relieve foot pain and prevent relapse by addressing the underlying condition. Don’t let foot pain make you sit this summer out- call us today for an appointment!

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