1325 Dry Creek Drive #307 Longmont, Colorado 80503

Chiropractor and Massage Studio - Cafe of Life Longmont

Prenatal Chiropractic Care Benefits for an Easier Birth

Published by Dr. Jessica
on October 6, 2023

As a practicing chiropractor, I have seen firsthand the benefits of prenatal chiropractic care for expectant mothers and I have experienced them myself as a mother of three.  Throughout pregnancy, many changes occur in a woman’s body, both hormonal and physical, which can cause discomfort and even pain. Fortunately, chiropractic care can help alleviate these symptoms, making the birthing process easier and potentially faster.

Prenatal chiropractic care focuses on correcting any misalignments in the spine and pelvis, which can arise due to the shifting weight and balance of the growing uterus. During pregnancy, as the abdomen grows, the center of gravity shifts forward, which can cause increased stress on the spine and pelvis. This stress, in turn, can lead to misalignments, called subluxations, which can cause pain, discomfort, and hinder natural birth processes.

One of the most significant benefits of prenatal chiropractic care is its ability to help with dystocia, or difficult labor. Dystocia occurs when the labor process is prolonged, and the baby’s progress through the birth canal slows or stops completely. Dystocia can result from a variety of factors, including a malpositioned fetus, pelvic misalignment, or even a small pelvis. Chiropractic care can help address some of these causes by improving the alignment of the pelvis and soft tissues surrounding the uterus, allowing the baby more room to move, and improving the chances of a successful vaginal delivery.

Another common issue that prenatal chiropractic care can address is sacroiliac (SI) joint subluxation. The sacroiliac joints connect the sacrum, a triangular bone at the base of the spine, to the pelvis. These joints can become misaligned during pregnancy, causing pain and discomfort, particularly in the lower back area, hips, groin and even into the leg.  Sciatica (pain in the SI joint that travels to the leg) is the most common thing I see in my practice. Correcting SI joint subluxation can alleviate these symptoms and even reduce the risk of complications during labor and delivery.

Other common issues that prenatal chiropractic care can address are:  Headaches, upper back pain, jaw pain, tightness in the shoulder blades, and pain in the legs and feet.

How exactly does chiropractic care help with these issues? Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to correct subluxations, including manual and light force instrument adjustments, massage, and stretching. They will typically perform a comprehensive examination of the body to identify any misalignments and design a personalized treatment plan to address them. In my practice, I have specialized tables with a  drop away mid piece to make room for the growing belly so you can comfortably lay down for treatments.

Prenatal chiropractic care can also be helpful during postpartum recovery. After giving birth, the body undergoes significant changes, and many women experience discomfort and pain. Chiropractic care can help alleviate these symptoms, as well as address any postural imbalances that may have arisen during pregnancy.

Now, let’s take a look at some frequently asked questions about prenatal chiropractic care:

Prenatal Chiropractic Care FAQs

Is prenatal chiropractic care safe?

Yes! Prenatal chiropractic care is entirely safe when performed by a licensed, trained chiropractor. Chiropractors who specialize in prenatal care have advanced training and experience working with pregnant women.

When should I start prenatal chiropractic care?

It is advisable to start prenatal chiropractic care as early as possible during pregnancy. However, chiropractic care can be beneficial at any time throughout pregnancy, including the third trimester.  Schedule your prenatal chiropractic appointment here!

Will prenatal chiropractic care make labor faster?

Although there is no guarantee that chiropractic care will make labor faster, it can improve the alignment of the pelvis and soft tissues surrounding the uterus, potentially making labor easier and smoother.

Is it safe to get adjusted during labor?

Although getting adjusted during labor is not common, it can be safe when performed by a licensed, trained chiropractor. Chiropractors who perform labor adjustments have specialized training in this area and will only perform adjustments when deemed necessary.

Will prenatal chiropractic care hurt my baby?

No, prenatal chiropractic care will not hurt your baby. In fact, correcting subluxations can potentially prevent complications during delivery that could harm your baby.

How often should I receive prenatal chiropractic care?

The frequency of prenatal chiropractic care will depend on your individual needs and the recommendations of your chiropractor. However, most women benefit from regular adjustments every 4-6 weeks throughout pregnancy.  Click here to schedule a prenatal chiropractic care appointment.

Can prenatal chiropractic care help with breech presentation?

Yes, the Webster technique, which is commonly used in prenatal chiropractic care, has been shown to help with breech presentation by improving the alignment of the pelvis and soft tissues surrounding the uterus.

How long does a prenatal chiropractic visit last?

A typical prenatal chiropractic visit lasts between 10-20 minutes, depending on the type of treatment being provided.

In summary, prenatal chiropractic care can provide many benefits for pregnant women, from alleviating discomfort and pain to potentially making the birthing process easier and faster. If you are pregnant and experiencing any pain or discomfort, consider seeing a licensed chiropractor who specializes in prenatal care. With their help, you can enjoy a more comfortable and healthy pregnancy, paving the way for a smoother and more successful delivery.

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