1325 Dry Creek Drive #307 Longmont, Colorado 80503

Chiropractor and Massage Studio - Cafe of Life Longmont

Therapeutic Power of Laser Therapy in Chiropractic Care

Published by Dr. Jessica
on October 4, 2023

As a professional chiropractor in Longmont, I have witnessed the remarkable advancements in medical technology that have revolutionized our approach to pain and inflammation relief. One groundbreaking therapy that has become an integral part of chiropractic care is Laser Biostimulation, also known as Laser Therapy. In this blog post, I will go over four primary transformative benefits of Laser Therapy in chiropractic treatment and address some frequently asked questions to provide a better understanding of this innovative technique.

Laser Therapy for Pain Relief:

In the medical, dental, physical therapy and chiropractic fields, Laser Therapy has gained wide recognition for its powerful pain-relieving properties. By utilizing specific wavelengths of light, laser therapy can be precisely targeted to areas of pain and discomfort. The deep penetration of laser energy stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, providing an additional source of relief from  muscular and joint pain for patients undergoing chiropractic treatment.

Anti-inflammatory Potential of Laser Therapy:

Inflammation often plays a significant role in musculoskeletal conditions, leading to pain and restricted joint mobility. Laser therapy has emerged as an effective anti-inflammatory agent, reducing swelling, redness, and heat associated with inflamed tissues. This therapy boosts blood flow to the affected area, enhancing the body’s natural healing response and bringing relief from inflammation, making it an invaluable tool in chiropractic care.

Laser Therapy’s Wound Healing and Collagen Production:

Wound healing is a complex process that relies on the generation of new cells and the production of collagen, a vital protein that ensures the strength and elasticity of tissues. Laser therapy has demonstrated remarkable efficacy in enhancing wound healing by stimulating fibroblasts, the cells responsible for producing collagen. Targeting the injured area directly, laser therapy accelerates tissue regeneration, promotes scar tissue remodeling, and improves the overall healing process.  When paired with chiropractic spinal and extremity adjustments, laser therapy can help speed the healing process leading to faster pain reduction and return to the activities you enjoy.

Strengthening the Immune System with Laser Therapy:

The immune system plays a crucial role in overall health and the healing process. Laser Therapy has been found to strengthen the immune system by stimulating the production of antibodies and lymphocytes, which are essential in identifying and eliminating harmful pathogens. By enhancing immune function, laser therapy not only aids in musculoskeletal healing but also contributes to patients’ overall well-being.  At the Cafe’ of Life, we regularly use Laser Therapy to help people suffering from swollen lymph nodes, allergies, and sinus pain.

View more on our Laser Therapy page »

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Laser Therapy in Chiropractic Care:

What is laser therapy, and how does it work in chiropractic treatment?

Laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes specific wavelengths of light to stimulate healing and relieve pain. In chiropractic care, it involves applying a handheld laser device or a laser pad  to the targeted area, allowing the light energy to penetrate deep into the tissues. The photons emitted by the laser stimulate cellular activity, promoting pain relief, reducing inflammation, and aiding in the healing process.

Is laser therapy painful?

No, laser therapy is a painless procedure. Patients typically experience a soothing and warm sensation during treatment, finding it rather relaxing. Some patients express that they can feel the relaxation of the muscle or joint immediately, and some patients feel the improvements occur slowly over a period of time afterward.

How long does a laser therapy session typically last?

The duration of a laser therapy session varies depending on the condition being treated and the extent of the area involved. At the Cafe’ of Life Chiropractic, Dr. Eamon administers laser therapy for anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes per treatment area. Multiple sessions scheduled over weeks or months are often necessary for optimal results, and the recommended frequency of care is dependent on the nature of the injury and the patient’s response to treatment.  If the patient is dealing with chronic pain, often times more sessions over a longer period of time is recommended to allow for optimal tissue healing.

Is laser therapy a standalone chiropractic treatment or used in conjunction with other techniques?

Laser therapy is frequently used as a complementary treatment alongside other chiropractic techniques. Chiropractors combine laser therapy with spinal adjustments, soft tissue mobilization, exercise programs, and other modalities to create a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to each patient’s specific needs. It is also possible to have laser as a stand alone treatment for things such as jaw pain, sprained ankles, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, knee pain and carpal tunnel syndrome.

What conditions can laser therapy help with in chiropractic care?

Laser therapy has exhibited remarkable effectiveness in treating various musculoskeletal conditions commonly encountered in chiropractic care. These may include back and neck pain, headaches, joint pain, sports injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, sprains, strains, and more. Additionally, laser therapy contributes to wound healing, post-surgical recovery, and scar tissue reduction.

Are there any side effects or risks associated with laser therapy?

Laser therapy is considered safe when performed by trained professionals. It is a non-invasive procedure that generally carries minimal risks. Some patients may experience temporary redness or warmth in the treated area, which typically subsides shortly after the session. However, laser therapy is not recommended for pregnant women, individuals with certain types of cancer, or those with active hemorrhaging.

How soon can patients expect to see results from laser therapy?

The response to laser therapy varies among individuals and conditions. While some patients experience immediate pain relief and improved mobility after the first session, others may require multiple sessions to notice significant improvements. Laser therapy accelerates the healing process, but the duration of treatment depends on the complexity and severity of the condition. Chronic conditions tend to take longer to see full results.

Is laser therapy covered by insurance for chiropractic treatment?

Insurance coverage for laser therapy can vary depending on the insurance provider and policy. Some plans may provide coverage for laser therapy in chiropractic care, while others may not. Patients are encouraged to check with their insurance provider or chiropractor to determine coverage options and any potential out-of-pocket expenses.

Is laser therapy suitable for everyone?

Laser therapy is generally safe and suitable for most individuals. However, a thorough consultation with a qualified chiropractor is necessary to assess the appropriateness of laser therapy for specific conditions. Certain contraindications may exist, such as pregnancy, certain types of cancer, or active hemorrhaging.

Can laser therapy be used in conjunction with other treatments or medications?

Indeed, laser therapy can be used alongside other treatments and medications. It is important to inform your chiropractor about any ongoing treatments or medications to ensure there are no contraindications or interactions that may affect the efficacy or safety of laser therapy.


As a chiropractor, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative benefits of Laser Therapy in chiropractic care. Its ability to provide pain relief, act as an anti-inflammatory, promote wound healing, and strengthen the immune system has revolutionized the field of chiropractic treatment. By incorporating laser therapy into our comprehensive approach, we can offer patients enhanced pain and inflammation relief, accelerated healing, and improved overall well-being. With continuous advancements in technology, the future holds even greater potential for innovative and effective treatments in chiropractic care using laser technology.

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