1325 Dry Creek Drive #307 Longmont, Colorado 80503

Chiropractor and Massage Studio - Cafe of Life Longmont

Treat a Herniated Disk With Chiropractic Care

Published by Dr. Jessica
on February 2, 2016

Herniated Disk Chiropractic LongmontWould you know if you had a herniated disk in your back? In some cases, yes, you mght.  But in many, many cases the answer is, surprisingly, no.  The Mayo Clinic says that you can have a herniated disk without even knowing it.: “…herniated disks sometimes show up on spinal images of people who have no symptoms of a disk problem.” Since symptoms might be mild or mistaken for many other conditions, or even non-existent, it can be easy to leave your herniated disk untreated.  This can lead to permanent nerve damage. Please don’t do that—treat a herniated disk with chiropractic care instead.

Your spine is made up of vertebrae (the bones) with cushions in-between that act as protection from daily activities as well less frequent exertion. Your spine grows increasingly vulnerable with age, genetics playing a role in severity of disk degeneration.  But those who are overweight, work demanding jobs, or put stress on their spine due to physically demanding recreation or lifestyle, can be susceptible as well.

Commonly referred to as a slipped disk, most herniated disks are located in the lower back but they can occur in your neck as well.   Preventative chiropractic adjustments is the ideal scenario to keep your back from ever suffering from a herniated disk.  But there are also some warning signs that might trigger a phone call to us.

Symptoms of a Herniated Disk:

  • Pain extending into Arms/legs
  • Back and/or neck pain
  • Numbness/tingling
  • Weakness in the muscles served by those particular nerves
  • Tenderness of the spine
  • Pain that worsens at night

Treat a Herniated Disk With Chiropractic Care

If you experience any of the above symptoms,or just feel general pain or diskomfort you can’t quite place, it’s a good idea to visit with your local chiropractor.  A skilled chiropractor can assess your condition and determine if you are indeed suffering from a herniated disk.  Please—choose a chiropractor who is knowledgable, well trained, very experienced, and has a good reputation!  Their expertise will determine accuracy in diagnostics as well as success in treatments prescribed.

Dr Jess at Café of Life Chiropractic in Longmont cares about the overall health and wellness of her clients. She will do a complete and thorough evaluation and likely recommend a varied approach to healing.  Spinal adjustments, lifestyle changes, and an exercise program focusing on stretching and strengthening will likely be the basics of any herniated disk diagnosis. Her primary goal is not to just relieve the pain (which will be a wonderful side effect of treatment!) but to bring the body back to its healthiest self.

Choose a natural and complete approach to herniated disk treatment with chiropractic care.

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